
Saturday, 2 September 2017

New treatment method to destroy cancer cells !! Necessarily share it !!

A new study has found that vitamin C and antibiotic mixture can help prevent cancer cells. Furthermore, this mixture has been shown to help prevent cancer from being restored and avoiding prescription medicine throughout life.
At the end of the study, it has been found that vitamin C and antibiotic mixture is 100 times better than 2-Digi method that can help cure cancer.
The co-author of the Biomedical Research Center, Professor Michael Laszani and colleagues at the University of Salford at London recently published their findings in a newspaper.Combination of vitamin C and antibiotic make wonder on the cancer cells in the body
tem cells are capable of modifying a cell type. Also, studies suggest that cancer cells have the potential to convert other cells into cancer cells or cancer cells, such as stem cells.
Therefore, Professor Lissant and colleagues claim that new treatments are essential for identifying and destroying cancer stem cells. In a new study, researchers have discovered new ways of killing stem cells.
Vitamin C to help kill cancer:
In this year's announcement, Professor. In another study of the lysine and group, Vitamin C had effectively demonstrated how the cancer attacks. In their study, they tested antibiotics in the stem cells for 3 months for the acne, toxiascination, pneumonia and infections.
Combination of vitamin C and antibiotic make wonder on the cancer cells in the body
The study group explains that antibiotic stimulates "metabolic flexibility". This prevents the ability of cells to convert fuel sources into ways to survive. As a result, the cells will have glucose as a source of energy. But when taking vitamin C with antibiotics, it will remove the glucose from cancer stem cells and destroy those cells.
In this situation, Vitamin C acts as a blockage of glycolysis. It explains Dr. Federica Chodzia, co-author of the Biomedical Research Center at Salford University, that it acts as 'Power House' of the cells that produce fuels in Mitochondria.Combination of vitamin C and antibiotic make wonder on the cancer cells in the body
100 times powerful new therapy than 2 DG
In the previous study, the use of vitamin C was 10 times better than 2 DG in destroying cancer stem cells. But it is also 100 times better when adding a taxixy.
Professor Lasanthi suggests that "evidence of vitamin C and nutrient compounds plays an important role in the fight against cancer".

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